Getting started with Pinax

NOTE: This content is a little out of date. Some of the layout might be wrong, but the ideas are still relavent.

I went ahead today and figured that I would try out Pinax, seeing as it’s been getting a lot of good press in the Django community lately. The talk from James Tauber at Djangocon was really good, and I certainly recommend checking it out. This is going to be a basic introduction to pinax.

First thing you need to do is grab the code from the pinax repository.

svn checkout pinax

Once you have the code checked out you are already half of the way there. The only current external dependency is on PIL, the Python Imaging Library. Django itself has this dependency for the ImageField in forms. More than likely you already have this installed, so it shouldn’t be a problem. If not, that is the only dependency of Pinax.

The directory structure of Pinax is pretty simple, copying from the README:

pinax/          contains a django project and templates
external_apps/  contains external re-usable apps brought in via svn:externals
local_apps/     contains re-usable apps that aren't yet externalized
core_apps/      contains non re-usable apps specific to pinax site
external_libs/  contains external libraries

The script inside of pinax links up all of the apps correctly for you. So all you need to do to get started is go into pinax/ and run ./ syncdb. Then go ahead and run ./ runserver and you should see the pinax welcome page! That is pretty awesomely simple to get up and running!

At this point, you now basically have an entire social application working on your box. That is pretty damn impressive. The pinax directory is the project directory in this setup. Then, all you have to do is swap out the templates, and you have your own site with the exact same functionality.

The main use case for me with Pinax is to take the groundwork that they’re layed and throw a little bit of custom code on top. That is the goal of the project. They are trying to give you a really solid base that provides all of the generic functionality that 99% of websites need. From this base it is then incredibly easy and fast to get “yet another X site” going, wherein you then add the magic that makes your site unique.

A couple days ago I actually took my first Django site I’d ever done and converted it over to Pinax. It took all of about two hours, with the awesome help of James Tauber and Brian Rosner in the #pinax IRC channel on Freenode. They were helpful and I bemoaned the lack of documentation, so that’s why I’m writing this up :) The site is now about 100x more powerful, and it’s really cool the power of Pinax there.

I want to talk about my philosophy behind the usage of Pinax. The way that I’ve been thinking about it is basically it gives you the groundwork with some nice default templates for the apps. The way that you go about skinning the app is with the base.html and site_base.html in the pinax/templates/ directory. base.html allows you to change the basic layout of the site. This is where I changed out my CSS and Javscript code. Basically you don’t want to be changing any of the block tags here, just HTML. I ripped everything out of the <head> except for <title> and {% block extra_head %}. In the <body> I basically ripped everything out, and put in my previous template, then adjusted the block tags to make them appropriate.

One of the big gotcha’s is the way that template blocks are named. The pinax app templates are all coded to specific block names (as they have to be), but if you’re trying to use existing templates then you might need to update your blocks if you want to be able to have the backend stuff “just work”. Here is a listing of the main template block names and what they are. Remember, these simply need to be present in your base.html, and they will be given content in site_base.html.

{%block logo_link_image %} This is where your image goes (in the header) {% block login %} Is where the login stuff goes (leave this empty if you want to use their auth) {% block tabs %} Menu or tabs, since it’s only used in base and site_base, this can really be anything. {% block body %} This is where your main content goes. {% block footer %} This is where you put the footer contents

A couple more gotchas:

  • The pinax does a decent amount of editing of your PYTHONPATH, so if you want to deploy it then you need to understand how this works. Check out this post by Greg Newman for help with deployment!
  • The media in pinax is served out of pinax/site_media and in URLs are site_media, so you need to put all of your css and javascript in there to get it working on the dev server. When you deploy this can go back to where it was previously (assuming previous install).
  • At the bottom of the pinax settings file, you see it does an import of localsettings. You can define your own settings than override the pinax ones in a file anywhere on the PYTHONPATH. This keeps you pretty safe from updating pinax and having it wipe your settings in the default settings file.
  • Remember this is still a work in progress, so the code will be updated (and probably break backwards compatibility) pretty frequently. Keep an eye on the BackwardsIncompatibleChanges

That’s enough for today. That should get you up and running with Pinax. I will be doing a screencast on this stuff sometime this weekend, so look out for that. It should make this a lot more obvious.